And now we are going to plunge into the invigorating ocean
of reflexive property .
You will study its meaning ,importance and its uses.
Don’t afraid if you find math difficult .

Many student at their high school level have the same feelings. All of them observe repetitive subject .
Now , we are going to open the pandora’s box of reflexive property.
If you understand this concept then algebra and geometry will be interesting
to know.
Dive into the golden rule of reflexive property which states that in math everything is equal to itself.
It seems that we are saying ” Grapes are grapes” .

It is a vital rule which helps in solving the mathematical riddles. You will be surprised to know that it has uses in everyday life and solving difficult math problems.
Visualize the reflexive property as the celebrity of math .
just keep one thing in your mind . It seems a very simple task but it is a foundation
for many functions and evidences in math. Visualize it as if you have a

No matter how much you two look similar , you will always say that
you are you and my clone is my clone. It resembles the reflexive property in math .
It tells us that “Y” is always “y”. This concept was firstly discovered by
former Greek mathematicians. Let’s make it more thrilling consider that you have
a box full of various shaped objects.
It makes us able to categorize the
objects that are identical.
It tells us that both sides of a mathematical
equation are always equal to themselves.

It helps a lot in solving the
mathematical equations
Just get into the interesting
part of reflexive property. It functions as a building block in generating
evidences. REFLEXIVE PROPERTY It also states that every shape in the math is equal to itself,
Circle is equal to itself.

Reach corner of a square or a triangle is similar
to itself . It not only helps us in geometry. It is also a celebrity in algebra
and logic. It functions as a secret key to open a mystical door of mathematics.
It helps us in solving the math problems suppose you are an
arts students .You are trying to draw a regular pattern. Booth sides of the pattern resemble each other just like our left hand right hand .And if you are a sportsman.

You have to maintain your balance during a game just like the reflexive property.
In short it plays its role in construction of skyscrapers playing games and even shopping.
It is not just a notional property in boring math books .but it is our sincere
friend. Keep on discovering the mesmerizing secrets of math